[New post] Deep January days in the woods

[New post] Deep January days in the woods

Kathy posted: " Good morning from our little stretch of woods and lake and snow and cold.  Sitting here at this computer I watch lazy flakes of snow silhouetted against black and gray tree limbs.  Yonder brown oak leaves dangle from branches that tenderly hold last yea"
[New post] How big can our love be?

[New post] How big can our love be?

Kathy posted: " I often wonder. How big can our love be? Does it stop with ourselves?  Is our love only for our individual human self, our Kathy, our John, our Diana, our Lee Ann, our own precious being wearing this human flesh? Does our love shine fuller, brighter?"
[New post] In-between

[New post] In-between

Kathy posted: " Shhh, dear reader.  Let's whisper. Let's remember. Let's lower our voices. Because this is the in-between time. It's in-between Christmas and New Years. It's in-between gift-giving and a brand new start. It's in-between the old and stagnant--and t"
[New post] The Christmas Eve blues

[New post] The Christmas Eve blues

Kathy posted: "  Dear Blogging Friends, I am having one of "those" Christmas Eve moments.  I'm sure some of you have had them too.  Those moments when you're suddenly feeling blue, out-of-sorts, dismal.  It's not yet time to open gifties (that's tomorrow mornin"
[New post] Dear Fountainpen,

[New post] Dear Fountainpen,

Kathy posted: " Dear Fountainpen, On Sunday we carried our ceramic Christmas tree--the one Barry's mom crafted for us many years ago--upstairs from the basement.  I discovered some of your hand-crocheted snowflakes and sprinkled them beneath the green tree. You've be"
[New post] On Cattail Pond

[New post] On Cattail Pond

Kathy posted: "  Some of you may remember the movie "On Golden Pond" that came out in 1981.  Don't you love the image that name invokes?  A serene pond-lake golden in the sunset.  A pair of loons welcoming the main characters home.  Ahhh, idyllic. We have n"
[New post] Yesterday’s woes

[New post] Yesterday’s woes

Kathy posted: " Some of you have been wondering where the heck my blog post Prayer for the teensy weensy spider went.  A few faithful readers received their email yesterday inviting them to visit Lake Superior Spirit and discover the whys and wherefores of that wee cre"
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